
Boroo Completes an Important Safety Milestone of CMOP

May 10, 2022

LIMA – May 10, 2022 – Boroo Pte. Ltd (“Boroo” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce they have recently completed an important safety milestone in the engineering of the Carbonaceous Material Optimization Project (CMOP). Boroo assembled a highly qualified team of safety professionals and processing subject matter experts, to conduct a Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) of the CMOP processing facility.

The workshop, facilitated by CGK-Consulting Group, was performed over a four-day period and is the final step in the basic design of the CMOP processing plant. The participants included WSP/Golder processing engineers, Lagunas Norte operating and safety leadership teams in collaboration with Boroo’s project delivery group. The next step in the process will include implementation of the risk mitigation strategies identified in the workshop and continuation of the detailed engineering.

Boroo is committed to providing a safe workplace for their employees. Critical to the analysis was the safety leadership provided from all the participants and aligns with Boroo’s commitment to protect its workforce by implementing a philosophy of Safe by Design. The concept is a holistic approach that considers safety in the construction phases of the project and ensures the final plant design mitigates risk to the personnel operating and maintaining the facility.

About CMOP

The CMOP processing plant is designed to process about 15 million tonnes of high-grade gold bearing oxides mined early in the life of Lagunas Norte property. Development includes a carbon classification system (CCS), a carbon-in-leach (CIL) circuit, and a residue filtering plus dry stacking facility.

Boroo remains very well positioned to complete the fast-track development and construction of CMOP to achieve mechanical commissioning and first gold pour in Q4 2022.

About Boroo

Boroo is a privately-held investment holding company principally engaged in operating, developing and acquiring gold properties globally. Boroo owns and operates various production-stage and development-stage assets in Central Asia and South America.

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